How to create a football game in Scratch
3 minute read
1. Sprites
For the football game to function total 8 sprites required.
• Player1
2. Stage design ( Background )
3. Code/Script for Sprites:
• Code for Player1
• Code for Player2
• Code for Ball
• Code for Goal1
• Code for Goal2
• Code for Arrow
• Code for Butterfly (instructions)
• Code for Cloud List
Creating a football game Scratch can be a fun and engaging project.
Here's a step-by-step to help you get started:
Game Interface:
Create a new Scratch project and delete the default sprite.
Add a new sprite the soccer ball.
Add a backdrop for the soccer.
Add a score label to display the score.
Soccer Ball:
Create a script for the soccer ball to move around the screen when the user clicks on it.
Use the "if then" block to detect when the soccer ball hits the edge of the screen. When the soccer ball hits the edge of the screen, bounce it back in the opposite direction.
Use the "go to" block to set the soccer ball's starting position.
Add new sprites for the goals.
Create a script for each goal to detect when the soccer ball hits it.
Use the "if then" block to detect when the soccer ball hits the goal. When the soccer ball hits the goal, increase the score by one point and move the soccer ball back to the center of the screen.
Player Controls:
Add new sprites for the players.
Create scripts for the players to move around the screen using the arrow keys.
Use the "if then" block to detect when the player sprite hits the edge of the screen. When the player sprite hits the edge of the screen, bounce it back in the opposite direction.
Scoring System:
Create a variable to store the player's score.
Display the score on the screen using a label.
Use the "change score by" block to increase the score when the soccer ball hits the goal.
Game Over and Restart:
When the game is over, display a "Game Over" message and pause the game.
Add a "Restart Game" button to the screen that clears the screen, resets the score to zero, and allows the player to start a new game.
Testing and Refinement:
Test the game thoroughly to ensure that the soccer ball moves smoothly, the goals are detected correctly, and the scoring system works as intended.
Refine the game as needed by adjusting the soccer ball speed, goal size, and scoring system.
By following these steps, you can create a fun and engaging soccer game in Scratch. Don't forget to share your creation with the Scratch community and seek feedback from other users to improve your game further. For more such detailed tutorials, install Scratch Master app on your Android devices.
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