Tutorial on creating a New Year celebration game in Scratch.
2 minute read
Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:
Game Interface:
• Create a new Scratch project and delete the default sprite.
• Add a new sprite the New Year celebration, such as a party hat, fireworks, or a countdown clock.
• Add a backdrop for the celebration, such as a city skyline or a party scene.
Countdown Clock:
• Create a variable to store the countdown timer.
• Create a script for the countdown clock to display the remaining time until the New Year.
• Use the "when green flag clicked" block to start the countdown.
• Use the "wait" block to pause the script for one second between each countdown update.
• Use the "say" block to display the remaining time on the screen.
• When the countdown reaches zero, display a "Happy New Year" message and play a festive sound.
• Add new sprites for fireworks.
• Create a script for each firework to move it across the screen and make it explode.
• Use the "glide" block to move the firework upward.
• When the firework reaches the top of the screen, use the "create clone of" block to create a new firework clone.
• Use the "when this sprite clicked" block to make the firework explode when the user clicks on it.
• Use the "delete this clone" block to remove the firework clone from the screen after it explodes.
Party Hats:
• Add new sprites for party hats.
• Create a script for each party hat to move it across the screen.
• Use the "glide" block to move the party hat from one side of the screen to the other.
• Use the "if then" block to detect when the party hat reaches the edge of the screen. When the party hat reaches the edge of the screen, move it to the opposite side of the screen.
Scoring System:
• Create a variable to store the player's score.
• Add a scoring system that increases the player's score when they click on a firework or a party hat.
• Display the score on the screen using a label.
Game Over and Restart:
• When the countdown reaches zero, display a "Happy New Year" message and pause the game.
• Add a "Restart Game" button to the screen that clears the screen, resets the score to zero, and allows the player to start a new game.
Testing and Refinement:
• Test the game thoroughly to ensure that the countdown clock works correctly, fireworks move smoothly, and the scoring system works as intended.
• Refine the game as needed by adjusting the countdown time, firework speed, and scoring system.
By following these steps, you can create a fun and festive New Year celebration game in Scratch. Don't forget to share your creation with the Scratch community and seek feedback from other users to improve your game further. Install the Scratch Master app for more tutorials.
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