
Detailed steps to create a simple car racing game in Scratch.

2 minute read
Creating a simple car racing game in Scratch involves several steps, including designing the game interface, coding the car's movement, adding obstacles, and implementing a scoring system. 
Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Game Interface:
• Create a new Scratch project and delete the default sprite.
• Add a new sprite for the car by clicking on the "Choose a Sprite" button and selecting a car image.
• Add a backdrop for the racing track by clicking on the "Stage" icon and selecting a background image. You can create a custom racing track using Scratch's paint editor.

Car Movement:
• Click on the car sprite and navigate to the "Scripts" tab.
• Create a script to move the car using the arrow keys:
 • When the green flag is clicked, set the car's direction to 90 (upward).
 • When the up arrow key is pressed, move the car forward by 10 steps.
 • When the down arrow key is pressed, move the car backward by 10 steps.
 • When the right arrow key is pressed, turn the car right by 10 degrees.
 • When the left arrow key is pressed, turn the car left by 10 degrees.

• Add new sprites for obstacles, such as cones, rocks, or other cars.
• Position the obstacles randomly along the racing track.
• Create a script for each obstacle to move it across the screen using the "glide" block.
• Use the "if then" block to detect a collision between the car and an obstacle. • When a collision occurs, stop the car, display a "Game Over" message, and reset the score to zero.

Scoring System:
• Create a variable to store the player's score.
• Add a score counter that increases by one for every 100 steps the car moves without colliding with an obstacle.
• Display the score on the screen using a label.

Game Over and Restart:
• When the game is over, display a "Game Over" message and pause the game.
• Add a "Restart Game" button to the screen that clears the screen, resets the score to zero, and allows the player to start a new game.

Testing and Refinement:
• Test the game thoroughly to ensure that the car moves smoothly, obstacles appear randomly, and the scoring system works correctly.
• Refine the game as needed by adjusting the car's movement speed, obstacle appearance rate, and scoring system.

By following these steps, you can create a simple yet engaging car racing game in Scratch. Don't forget to share your creation with the Scratch community and seek feedback from other users to improve your game further. Install the Scratch Master app for more tutorials.